The BNews - 10-02-18 - Brand New Works 01/2018

The BNews - 10-02-18

  • Brand New Works 01/2018

Puppets and Strings (Petrushka's Ghost) Bm 175 for violin and piano (9')

page 16 from Puppets and Strings (Petrushka's Ghost)

EARTH RHYTM ZERO Bm176  for two violins and piano (12')
World Premiere:  24-09-2018, BankAustria Salon im Alten Rathaus, Vienna, Austria

  • World Premiere of IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH

Reconsil will perform IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH at REAKTOR on February 20th,
along with works by Anahita Abbasi, Oren Boneh, Pablo Carrascosa, Steffen Krebber and Wen Liu.


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